Nanoindentation: Advanced Testing for Mechanical Properties


Technical Notes

Precision Indentation Techniques for Hardness & Elastic Modulus Measurement

NanoTest™ instruments offer excellent instrumented indentation performance across a wide load range of 1 µN – 30 N. 

Usually instrumented indentation is used for measurement of hardness and elastic modulus. It is also possible to quickly and accurately profile mechanical properties as a function of depth and to map properties across areas. 

Indentation experiments may also be used for a wide range of other purposes including; measurement of time-dependent properties (creep), indentation stress-strain tests, micro-pillar compression, micro-cantilever bending, fibre push-out, fracture toughness etc.

The NanoTest™ Vantage™ and Xtreme™ are fully compliant to relevant international nanoindentation standards including ISO 14577 and ASTM E2546–07.

Most nanoindentation work for measurement of hardness and elastic modulus is performed using a three sided “Berkovich” indenter _ Micro Material - Buy Mechanical test instrument - uk made

100 nanoindentation measurements on a fused silica reference sample. 

Most nanoindentation work for measurement of hardness and elastic modulus is performed using a three sided “Berkovich” indenter.

Many other indenter geometries are available for different test types.

The load-partial unload (multi-cycle) indentation technique allows for the rapid profiling of hardness and elastic modulus variation as a function of depth.

In this example, a 50-cycle test from 5 mN to 100 mN was performed on a 2 µm DLC coating on silicon. The inset plot shows decreasing hardness as the influence of the softer silicon substrate increases with increasing indentation depth.

decreasing hardness as the influence of the softer silicon substrate increases with increasing indentation depth - micro material - mechanical test instrument - buy - uk made
samples with low friction coatings have been profiled down to contact depths of 5 nm. - micro material - mechanical test instrument - buy - order - uk made

Very low noise floor and thermal drift rates mean that high measurement accuracy is retained down to very small contact depths.

Here three samples with low friction coatings have been profiled down to contact depths of 5 nm.

Mechanical properties may be mapped across areas as small as 1μm² up to several cm².

In this case the elastic modulus of four calcite crystals of a Pinna Nobilis shell have been mapped over and area of 45 x 45 µm. The crystals of interest were first identified using EBSD, the sample was then transferred to the NanoTest Vantage and the region of interest targeted using the instrument’s integrated optical microscope.

Once tests are complete a full statistical analysis of the results is possible within the NanoTest™ Vantage™ software.

elastic modulus of four calcite crystals of a Pinna Nobilis shell have been mapped over and area of 45 x 45 µm - micro material - buy - mechanical test instrument - buy - uk made
Micro-pillar compression Micro-cantilever bend tests Fibre push-out tests Adhesion tests (pull-off force) Particulate compression tests - micro material - mechanical test instrument - buy - uk made

A wide range of other tests are also possible using instrumented indentation, these include:

Micro-pillar compression

Micro-cantilever bend tests

Fibre push-out tests

Adhesion tests (pull-off force)

Particulate compression tests 

This example demonstrates micro-pillar compression of an IN718 superalloy. Tests were performed in displacement rate controlled mode and load-drop events are seen in response to transient deformation  events in the pillar. 

High load testing to 30N

Technical Notes

Computational modelling

Technical Notes

Acoustic emission

Technical Notes

Electrical contact resistance

Technical Notes

Dynamic Mechanical Compliance testing

Technical Notes

Multiscale mechanical property mapping

Application Notes

Indentation creep

Application Notes

High temperature creep resistance

Application Notes

Explore More

To further enhance your experience and understanding, we invite you to check out the following pages on our website that we believe are essential to your journey with us:

  1. High-Temperature Nanoindentation Testing for Advanced Material Characterization
  2. Advanced Nano Scratch and Wear Testing for Coatings and Materials
  3. Nano-Impact Testing for Advanced Material Performance in High-Stress Applications

These pages offer valuable insights and resources to help you achieve your goals.