Micro Materials in-person nano-mechanical testing conferences are back!
For a nano-mechanical testing conference entitled "Advanced techniques in nano-mechanical testing" incorporating a session on high temperature measurements, Micro Materials Ltd is pleased to launch a CALL FOR PAPERS and POSTERS. This will be our first in-person event since Covid and will take place on Monday April 7th (pm) and Tuesday April 8th (full day) 2025, kindly hosted by Prof. Jason Zhang at the Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK
Confirmed speakers include:
Professor Jason Zhang, University of Birmingham (HOST)
Professor Ben Beake - Micro Materials Ltd
Dr James Gibson - UK Atomic Energy Authority
Professor Tomasz Liskiewicz - Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Samuel McMaster - Pillarhouse International / Coventry University
Dr Miguel Monclus - IMDEA, Madrid
Dr Martin Stiehler - Cranfield University
Dr Jan
- Palacky University, Czech Republic
Dr Edyta Wyszkowska - NCBJ Warsaw
How to register:
please visit https://www.micromaterials.co.uk/upcoming-events to download the registration form. Email the completed form to alison.schaal@micromaterials.co.uk
Places are limited, so register NOW to secure your seat
It's free to attend. Participants must arrange and pay for their own hotel and travel.
We are very much looking forward to catching up with customers old and new, and meeting a diverse range of researchers from the materials research community, be they working in academia or in industry. Users of instruments other than our own NanoTest Vantage or NanoTest Xtreme may also attend.
CALL for PAPERS - we will be pleased to offer some 10 minute slots for short talks in addition to those which will be presented by the speakers listed above.
Please submit the title of your proposed short talk, with a brief description of the content to
alison.schaal@micromaterials.co.uk before 24th February. Submissions from students/early career materials researchers are especially welcome.
POSTERS: Please submit the title and brief description of your poster by email to alison.schaal@micromaterials.co.uk before 24th February. There will be prizes for the best poster submitted in 2 categories: by a participant aged under 25 and by a participant aged over 25.