NEW VIDEO - a review of the impact test technique

Dr Samuel McMaster, Surface Ventures Ltd,  reviews the impact test technique, using the NanoTest Vantage
31 October 2024 by
Alison Schaal

The impact test technique: a review using the NanoTest Vantage is the title of our brand new video, produced for Micro Materials Ltd by Dr Samuel McMaster, of Surface Ventures Ltd.

In time for Halloween, we have launched a treat of a video, featuring a detailed review of the impact test technique.

Check the new video out on our You Tube channel here:​T0v1tE

Impact testing is key to delivering high strain rates to test coatings and bulk materials for high-speed machining applications, erosion resistance for aero-engines and valve train components.

Micro Materials Ltd's NanoTest instrumentation allows for impact testing at multiple length scales.  

The  impact test technique video also includes information about the randomised impact test - a revolutionary nano-impact test pioneered by #MicroMaterialsLtd for simulating erosive  wear in coatings and bulk materials.

 Curious?  You can find out more about this novel development of the impact test technique by visiting the Downloads section on the Impact page of our website.    Here's the link: