
Pushing boundaries in micromechanical testing of aerospace composites

Multiscale modelling of composites starts from the in situ micromechanical testing of the composite constituents. In this application note, novel techniques for high strain rate testing of the matrix and fibre-matrix interface are presented, together with a novel technique for fibre-matrix interface fracture energy characterization.

DYNACOMP App Note PDF – Nano-impact testing of polymer composites

SEM images of micropillars before testing (left), the same pillar after low speed test (middle) and a pillar after impact test (right).

This research was carried out by Dr Mario Rueda-Ruiz (IMDEA Materials Institute) and received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 722096, DYNACOMP project.

To find out more, join our live webinar in conjunction with Surface Ventures on Thursday March 24th at 4:00PM GMT, where Dr Rueda-Ruiz will present these results. Click the registration link below for more details: