
New Dynamic Mechanical Compliance Testing Tech Note

Our new Dynamic Mechanical Compliance Testing (DMCT) module offers an improved approach using an additional 0-500 mN dynamic loading head with software and hardware features enabling a greater control of oscillation parameters, producing more reliable data.

The module can be used for (i) depth profiling of mechanical properties (hardness, elastic modulus, H/E, contact stiffness) using the continuous stiffness approach, and (ii) viscoelastic property measurements (storage modulus, loss modulus, tan delta) at chosen frequencies and test temperatures.

The new developments include (i) a novel procedure for optimising indenter oscillation control at low loads, (ii) an option for non-constant oscillation amplitude, where the oscillation force varies with load to achieve a fixed oscillation depth and therefore elastic modulus measurements on metallic materials that are constant vs. depth, and (iii) a new loading head design with the option of variable damping for optimised polymer analysis.

Find out more by downloading our new DMCT tech note here.